Google Sheet Reports for Facebook Ads

Yes, loads of time will be saved and yes, the most boring tasks will be less boring. Use Zalster Reports to create custom and detailed Facebook Ads reports with ease. All your selected data, metrics and columns will be exported into an easy-to-read Google Docs Spreadsheet.


A tool built by advertisers, for advertisers

At Zalster, we used to spend countless hours per week creating reports for various clients. This meant exporting CSV data from Ads Manager, importing into a Google Spreadsheet and manually calculating all summaries for metrics such as ROAS, CPA and CTR.

Spend your time where it matters most

Instead of wasting time on reports, we want to focus on taking action, and actually helping our clients understand their data and improve the results! And by creating Zalster Reports - that's exactly what we can do. Reports that previously could take hours of manual labour can now be exported within minutes - saving precious time.


Easily compare data

In order to take action, we must first make sense of the data. With the reporting tool, you can easily compare time periods to see which Campaigns or Ad Sets performed the best, and when.
Just select which Campaigns or Ad Sets to include, select your two time periods, and pick the columns to see a comparison for.

How it works

  • Connect your Zalster Account by using sign in with Google.

  • Choose your insights date interval - used to fetch campaigns, ad sets and their insights.

  • Select Ad sets and Campaigns to include in your report

  • Pick which columns (metrics) to include in your report.

  • Generate your report and impress your colleagues!

Unlimited reports for $49 / month

For only $49 per month, you're able to create unlimited reports. Your very first report is free - no hidden fee or credit card required, so that you can safely give it a try without any worries.